The Diary of West Bengal movie review: Arshin Mehta delivers a brave and poignant performance in this socio-political film

The Diary of West Bengal movie review

Starring: Yajur Marwah, Arshin Mehta, Ramendra Chakarwarti, Gauri Shankar

Director: Sanoj Mishra

The story in The Diary of West Bengal revolves around the alleged influx of Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshi extremists into West Bengal, and the resulting social and political unrest that follows. It is told from the perspective of Suhasini Bhattacharya (Arshin Mehta), a Hindu woman from Bangladesh who crosses the border into West Bengal after her parents are murdered in a genocide. She receives help from Islamic radicals and is later coerced into converting to Islam to gain political support. In the meantime, she becomes a victim of Love Jihad when Prateek disguises himself as Atik, who also has a motive to convert her. What unfolds is a series of violent events.

Director Sunoj Mishra's film attempts to tell a courageous story and has conducted thorough research, which is evident. He portrays events in an explosive and honest way, eliciting a wide range of emotions through some of the best performances, emotionally moving scenes, and a few brutal sequences. Whether it's the portrayal of girls being killed, political questions being raised, or the occurrence of brutal rapes, he has showcased the reality in a way that leaves a lump in the throat. The entire narrative is supported by suitable camerawork, tight editing, and an intense background score.

What truly stands out are the subtle and believable performances. Arshin, as Suhasini, excels in her role, delivering a convincing portrayal. Additionally, Yajur Marwah, Neet Mahal, Garima Kapoor, Alfiya Sheikh, Deepak Kamboj, Dev Fauzdar, Wasim Rizvi, and Gauri Shankar also manage to leave a lasting impression.

After watching The Diary of West Bengal, you might be left with several questions about the current situation in West Bengal. This political drama is unsettling but manages to leave a lasting impact. It's important to note that this film is not for the faint of heart.

Rating: 3 (out of 5 stars)

The Diary of West Bengal is playing in cinemas