Mrunal Thakur, a rising Bollywood actress, spoke about the prevalence of nepotism in the film industry. She shared a personal experience where during an awards ceremony, she was giving interviews when the media abruptly swarmed to a star kid.
Aug. 28, 2024, 8:32 a.m.
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Mrunal Thakur has once again showcased her talent in the world of cinema by receiving the prestigious Best Actress award at The Oniros Film Awards, held in New York City. Her outstanding performance in the critically acclaimed film “Hi Nanna” has not only captivated audiences but also garnered widespread praise, leading to multiple wins for the film at the event earlier in April this year.
A video that was shared on Instagram, she spoke about nepotism in Bollywood and how the media is also obsessed with starkids. She said, “I was giving interviews at an awards night and suddenly the media ran towards a star-kid.”
Advertisement “ Hi Nanna ” emerged victorious at The Oniros Film Awards, winning a total of 12 awards, including Best Film, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Child Actor, Best Cinematography, and various other categories. The film’s success is a testament to the dedication and talent of its entire team.
Expressing her delight, Mrunal Thakur stated, “I am incredibly thrilled and grateful to receive this extraordinary honor from The Oniros Film Awards. Portraying the character in ‘Hi Nanna’ was a deeply rewarding experience, and to be recognized for it in this way is truly humbling. I am immensely thankful to my fans for their unwavering support and love.”
Thakur makes a special appearance in the highly anticipated blockbuster film ‘Kalki.’ The movie boasts a star-studded cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Prabhas, Kamal Haasan, and other prominent figures from the film industry.
Known for her versatility, Mrunal Thakur readily accepted the opportunity to be part of ‘ Kalki.’ She expressed her excitement and confidence in the project, which is being produced by the renowned trio Aswani Dutt, Swapna Dutt, and Priyanka Dutt. The actress previously collaborated with them on the successful film ‘Sita Ramam.’